How To Have A Healthy Meal Plan
Having a meal plan is an integral part to having a well-balanced daily diet. Not only do most people who eat don’t have a complete and comprehensive diet in their diets, but the way you eat can make a difference in the effects of your diet on your health.
Having a meal plan helps you determine what foods you will be eating and how much of each food you will be eating. It also helps you determine what foods are in your budget and which are favorites!
This article will talk about how to have a healthy meal plan.
Choose nutritious foods
You should choose the foods you eat from a list of needs- to provide nutrients, health and beauty, and adventure. These needs include foods that heal your body, foods that improve your health and beauty, and foods that offer adventure.
You can find more information on which foods match each need in this article from the National Nutrition Society.
Your meal plan can have a big impact on which food fits which need. For example, having more vegetables on your diet will likely require you to add more greens into your meals. Or if you’re looking for some calories in your diet, then eating fewer calories from fat and/or sugar will help meet your goals.
Both of these recommendations are important to listen to as they may not be the most popular ones on weight-loss programs.
Create a menu plan
When you have a new month or year, it’s time to create your meal plan for the next few weeks. You can do this WEEK BY WEEK, DAY BY DAY, OR A MIX OF EACH.
On weekdays from 9-3, go to the grocery store and buy everything you need for the next four days. Then, Saturday and Sunday go to the grocery store and buy everything you needed for the weekend.
In order to have enough food on Saturday and Sunday, you need to have a second meal planned early in case of food emergencies.
The reason having a menu plan helps keep you healthy is that you are able to think about what foods are in which parts of the house. You are also able to make sure you have enough food on hand.
Include snacks
Having snacks in your meal plan will help you keep your hunger under control and prevent you from over eating. You can pick either pre-made or store bought snacks, either way they are cost effective.
Having a few vegetables and some protein sources will help keep you from overeating and helping manage hunger is an important aspect of a healthy diet.
Unfortunately, most people don’t have a diverse set of snacks in the house so we tend to just grab what we feel like but it should be limited in size so as not to overeat.
By having some modestly sized snacks every day, you will stay honest about how much food you eat which will help your body manage hunger and prevent nutritional deficiencies and overfeeding on days when training is difficult.
Track your progress
It is important to keep an eye on your meal plan. You can do this by creating a chart or tracking app, or by keeping track of your food supplies each day.
Most apps and charts have you create a “meal plan” or “boarding plan” the first day, and then update it as you eat and take care of yourself.
Re-evaluate your plan
Once a year is enough to plan for the next year? How much should you plan for the next month? Should you plan for the next week?
To have a healthy meal plan, you must re-evaluate your plan every week. This includes updating your goals, looking at what foods are in your budget, and checking whether or not you are meeting your goal.
You will probably have to add foods to your meal plan if you upgrade your budget or if you find something better suited to your needs. For example, if you currently eat fast food most of the time, then buying one fast food meal a day will probably need to be added into your meal plan.
You can also edit out certain foods if they are not part of your daily diet. Determining what foods aren’t part of your routine is an important part of having a healthy meal plan.
Are you working out?
Most people start working out and eat? After you’re done working out? During? All of the above?
All of the above! There is no one “right” thing to eat while you’re exercising. You have to decide which foods are healthy for you as you progress in your exercise program.
Some people find that by having a few snacks or meals that are similar to what they would eat during rest days, it helps them keep track of what they eat and makes their diet more sustainable. On the other hand, if you have a large meal plan, it may be harder to control your food intake due to overconsumption.
Are you losing weight? Then yes, having more food might help keep the weight off! However, if you are on a diet then having less food may help keep the weight off too.
Mix it up!
If you’re dieting, your best bet is to eat a little bit of this, and/or a little bit of that to make sure you get your calories in.
On the other hand, if you’re eating more than your daily allotment of calories, then it’s important to have a meal plan. Your daily allotment of calories should be around 2000-2500 calories per day, so having a meal plan that contains more food is a way to add extra calories into your daily routine.
The point is to have some variety in your meals, and to know what you are eating.
Don’t get stuck in a rut
Routine is a good thing to have. You shouldn’t be forced to eat the same four meals and four snacks every day, but having a routine that includes eating healthily can help you feel more organized and comfortable.
You can have one or two meals of vegetables and one meal of meat per day, for example, or try having two or three different foods in your diet such as vegetables, fruit, legumes and starches.
Having a meal plan doesn’t have to be complex either- just make sure you know your daily goals and that you are eating enough to meet them.
Bullet point: You don’t have to eat only one healthy meal per day
Have you ever heard the expression “eat hungry and sleep hungry?” The answer is no, we don’t! Because we know a good diet isn’t always two meals and a snack per day, we tend to over consume on both.
Too much food can lead to weight gain (especially if you are already sensitive to food) and quality nutrition needs to be kept in mind at all times. Plus, it is difficult to stick to an everyday diet when there are special diets involved.
The best way to eat on days when you do not feel like cooking is simply keep yourself updated on what foods you eat and what kind of cooking methods you prefer. Most social media apps offer this functionality so you can easily find new recipes.