Losing Weight Singapore
There are two main ways to lose weight in Singapore: through diet and through exercise. Both are important for proper health and body composition.
The average person in the city-state burns around 500 calories per day, so it is not too difficult to be active. However, most people only eat healthily and exercise moderately, which is considered good nutrition.
This is why nutritionists and dieticians are always on hand at the gym and in the food court to help people make sure they are eating enough and exercising enough. It is also why there are so many running/fitness centres around!
With both diet and exercise being so accessible in Singapore, it can be hard to figure out which will help you the most.
Exercise more
While you can lose weight fast on your own, doing little exercises every day will make a difference in how much weight you lose and how quickly.
You may be thinking, “But I don’t have time for that!” However, with the right amount of effort, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time which makes a bigger difference in your overall health. Plus, practicing yoga or other exercise classes once per week is a good start.
Committing yourself to exercise is one of the best ways to eat more protein. You can get equal amounts of protein by eating something rich in meat or by drinking a protein shake made with milk and/or fruit. Either way, try not to eat or drink until you’ve gotten at least five minutes of exercise!
Many people don’t realize that simply being outside is an excellent way to get some extra physical activity. There are even places in Singapore where you can go to enjoy some nature surroundings.
Diet pills
While weight loss drugs are very new, diet pills have been around for a while. You can find them in most pharmacies now-a-days.
In fact, many people still use them because of the way they work. They make you feel more willing to eat what you want to eat, which is key when you are trying to lose weight.
You can purchase them at the pharmacy or online. Most contain Phenteripene, a drug that reduces hunger and changes the way your brain and body respond to food.
This reduces the need to be super conscious about what you are eating and makes it more accessible, which is important when you are trying to lose weight.
Nutrition supplements
Although being a small country, Singapore does have its fair share of weight loss clinics. You can find many of them in shopping malls and community centres, making it very easy to get help losing weight.
Most of them offer nutrition supplements as their main method of weight loss, which is great because they are highly effective. Vitamins and minerals are often the most prominent nutritional supplements offered during weight loss, and most of them are found in your regular food.
Most people who visit these clinics are looking for help with their social life as well, as getting rid of the “fat” look you want is a big part of losing confidence.
How much nutritional supplement you need will depend on your health condition and how much fat you have left on your body.
Body wraps
A new way to lose weight is by using a body wrap. A body wrap is a sticky, wraps your skin around an object and then you stick your arms or legs onto the wrapped object.
The effect is that you have tight, smooth muscle around your body which holds the wrapping in place. This allows you to walk around with little or no clothes on and feel comfortable. It also has the potential to boost fat loss by keeping fatty tissue in place.
You can find many companies that offer their own custom made body wraps online. They can be pricey but if you are serious about losing weight, it might be worth it.
Medical procedures
Medical procedures are a little more prevalent in Singapore than in the West. There are prominent facilities such as hospitals and clinics where you can have your medical procedure. This does not mean that medical procedures are more common here!
Rather, having a procedure done at a designated location can be helpful when it comes to recovery. At the hospital, you will be grouped with others who have similar procedures and degrees of surgery, which can help with patient flow andetsuivai.
Having your procedure at the clinic can help with recovery as well, as there are many readily available at least partially indoors. Many doctors will even do home visits to help with recovery, especially if it is a short procedure like an ultrasound or biopsy.
Weight loss programs
There are two main ways to lose weight in Singapore. The first is a weight loss program called the Five-Week Weight Loss Solution. The second is to engage in diet and exercise on your own.
Both of these ways to lose weight can have their pros and cons. The Five-Week Weight Loss Solution is most commonly recommended as it is more cost effective than the 2-day workout program or 1-day meal plan programs.
However, this type of program may not be right for you if you are already having health problems or if you are already overweight. You may also find that the Five-Week Weight Loss Solution does not help you get rid of your hunger so you have to repeat it several times before you feel satisfied.
You can also try trying one of the more self-help methods for losing weight such as walking or swimming laps at the pool or a water park but only if it is really cold outside because these activities might make you feel overheated.
Behavioral counseling
There are two types of behavioral counseling in weight loss programs: cognitive and action. In action behavioral counseling, you learn about the effects of sugar, fat, and exercise on your body and how to reduce your daily intake of these items.
In cognitive behavioral counseling, you learn why you should lose weight, how to do it safely, and with support. This type of weight loss program doesn’t rely as heavily on diet and exercise as the other two do.
Mostly famous for their community-based programs, community counselors can help you with finding a support group, developing support systems at your home and in your community, and finding local groups that specialize in weight loss.
As opposed to the more medical-based programs that focus more on numbers on the scale or how well you are following the plan compared to now without mentioning numbers at all, community-based counselors can still help people find sustainable solutions to weight loss.
Losing weight is not easy and takes dedication and commitment
Despite being a year into my weight loss, I still realise how difficult it is to lose a few pounds. Weight loss is not for the faint of heart as it can be very tough.
Both your body and mind need to adapt to losing weight, especially when you are in the spotlight and public attention is always focused on you.
It’s very true that what you eat and how you exercise will determine whether you are successful in losing weight or not, so it is important to focus your efforts towards their best outcome.
But don’t get me wrong- we all have our days where we lose some strength or sway on what we eat or how we exercise. It’s like those days where someone has a glass of Pepsi one day and a water the next day! We all have those days where we just don’t want to lose weight, which is totally fine!
Weight loss isn’t easy and neither is keeping it off, but there are things that you can do to help yourself get back on track.