Low Sodium Salt Singapore
FairPrice and Sheng Siong supermarket chains stock various lower-sodium salt options that claim to provide health benefits; however, dieticians caution that higher priced options such as bamboo salt and Himalayan pink salt may not necessarily offer these.
Singaporeans consume on average 3,600mg of sodium daily, increasing their risk for hypertension and high blood pressure. To address this problem, the Health Promotion Board is working towards replacing regular salt with lower-sodium alternatives and is initiating a public education campaign on this matter.
IMI Lifestyle Products Pte Ltd
Salt is an integral component of our diets, but too much sodium consumption increases the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular issues. Therefore, experts advise limiting daily salt consumption to under 9g daily by cooking meals at home rather than dining out and selecting low sodium-content food items.
Fresh vegetables, meat and fish all contain relatively low levels of sodium so there’s no need to season with too much salt. Natural herbs and spices such as basil, bay leaves, chives, chilli peppers, garlic lemon rosemary parsley spring onion pepper are great alternatives that can add flavor without increasing sodium intake.
As another step to reduce sodium consumption without compromising taste, choose foods marked as Healthier Choice with the symbol. Furthermore, read labels of processed food to check sodium content; finally use salt substitutes like GoodSalt or K-Salt to cut back without losing taste!
Salt is a naturally occurring mineral present in many foods, yet too much sodium consumption can significantly raise blood pressure. HPB has been working with food service providers to encourage them to switch to lower sodium sauces and seasonings in order to lower sodium consumption.
Now the public can easily locate sauces and seasonings with less than 2,000 mg of sodium per teaspoon by looking out for products bearing the “healthier choice mark”. HPB has also intensified efforts through the Healthier Ingredient Development Scheme in order to encourage industry reformulation of salt and seasoning products.
GoodSalt, available at supermarkets and Redmart, tastes just like regular salt but contains half the sodium. This is because magnesium, potassium, lysine and iodine replace some of its sodium with essential minerals like these to protect against LVH (lipid-vascuar hypertension) salt damage while maintaining cardiac rhythm and lowering blood pressure – not to mention benefitting bone, eye and heart health!
Singaporeans regularly exceed the World Health Organisation’s daily salt recommendation, and as a result the Health Promotion Board (HPB) is working towards making lower sodium alternatives more accessible and encouraging the use of herbs and spices like lemon, vinegar and garlic to add flavour to meals.
HPB will encourage restaurants and retailers to offer more low-sodium sauces and seasoning, and make them more accessible and affordable for all consumers. They aim to reduce sodium consumption by approximately 15% over five years using products like GoodSalt that reduce dietary sodium by approximately 30-35% without altering taste of food – ideal for people with high blood pressure as well as those who seek to increase potassium consumption – it can be found both online and at supermarkets.
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Health Minister Ong Ye Kung and MP Rahayu Mahzam recently took part in a blind taste test on TikTok to advocate for low sodium salt as a healthier alternative to regular table salt. A local study by NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health demonstrated that cutting daily salt consumption from 8g to 6g can significantly lower blood pressure – even among individuals with normal BP.
Helping Singaporeans reduce their sodium intake, the Healthier Ingredient Development Scheme will work with retailers and manufacturers to make lower-sodium alternatives more accessible and affordable, increasing product diversity as a result. In addition, efforts under the scheme will increase to promote industry reformulation of lower sodium sauces and seasonings.
Consumers looking to switch from regular salt to lower-sodium versions should select varieties claiming no added salt, or having less than 120mg per teaspoon, in order to make an effective switch and lower sodium intake while increasing potassium intake.